connie m neuber | visual designer
i have been a graphic designer all of my professional life. i can’t say I grew up drawing pictures. i took many art classes in high school, but it wasn’t until my last year in high school when i attended a vocational program that focused on commercial art that i realized i could have a career as a graphic designer. I went on to study graphic design at ringling college of art and design, florida.
i love what I do. taking ideas, colors, fonts, images, and (yes) budget considerations and creating a marketing piece that is not only informative but looks good.. that’s fun for me. i love putting the puzzle pieces together.
the other part of the business I like is the people. i enjoy working with people who are enthusiastic about their company. i like listening to them talk about who they are, what they do, where they want to be, and how they see themselves in the marketplace… the puzzle. presenting to the client a marketing piece that ties it all together… putting the pieces together. that’s what i do.
now i am moving into web design. the web takes designing into a whole new realm of possibilities. it gives us a new way to look at marketing and branding. a company can now reach many more potential customers in a new and different way. this is an exciting time to be alive and creating.